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YOU make IPR possible!

Your tax-deductible donation helps keep Interlochen Public Radio on the air, serving the community 24 hours a day. Listener support provides more than two thirds of IPR's annual operating budget.

Prefer to mail a check? Download our printable IPR Gift Form and mail your gift to PO Box 199, Interlochen, MI 49643

Already an IPR Sustainer?

As a thank you for your support, you can get access to NPR+!

NPR+ is a podcast bundle with special benefits for sustaining donors giving more than $8/month or $96/year. This collection of NPR’s most popular podcasts features sponsor-free listening, bonus episodes, early access content, and more. If you need help accessing NPR+, please email us at iprgiving@interlochen.org.

IPR Sustainers are a powerhouse of support

Recurring gifts are a powerful source of stable support–they are crucial for ensuring that the programs you rely on are available year-round! Becoming an IPR Sustainer is a great way for you to be here every day for your public radio station, in the same way that IPR is there for you, whenever and wherever you want to listen. You choose the amount that’s right for you: what matters most is joining the community of supporters that sustains the programming you love.

Leadership giving enriches the lives of thousands of IPR listeners

Your leadership gift makes it possible for IPR to provide many of NPR’s most treasured programs for need-to-know news and insightful cultural commentary on IPR News, and captivating music on Classical IPR. And because of strong leadership support, we’re also able to produce award-winning local programs like Points North and Kids Commute that bring the stories, music, and performances of northern Michigan to listeners here at home and around the world through podcasts and streaming.

Your leadership gift—through the Broadcaster's Circle or Producer's Circle—ensures IPR has the resources to continue innovating in an ever-changing media landscape. Your generosity enriches the lives of thousands of listeners of all ages and backgrounds.

More information about leadership giving at IPR

There are many ways to support IPR. Explore below to learn about the many ways you can support this service. Your generosity powers local public radio. Thank you!